all of my personal thoughts laid out return home >.?

[.・。.・゜✭・.୭ ˚. ᵎ the start, 02/09/2025 i love the idea of laying my thoughts out, with no trace back to me. to you, i'm just a stranger, and you can read my entire life because i'm oversharing on this silly little page. i think this is oddly comforting, i think it's oddly comforting to read someone else's thoughts, but that's just me. i want to have no filter on here.
i'm also starting this page because i'm very interested in documenting my life in some way, reading back on how things have changed over the years, i love the idea of starting something like that. i've been journaling for a while, but i wanna take it to a personal diary. i hope in some microsopic way this can be inspirational to you, or whoever happens to read this.
i'm not intending on anyone to see this, but if you do, hello. all you need to know is i'm a 16 year old girl at the time of writing this, and this is my life, and you're reading my life. there are no external links to this page. .୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. .・。.・゜✭・.
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[.・。.・゜✭・.୭ ˚. ᵎ
02/10/2025 i usually feel like i have the ability to read people, but maybe im completely wrong. as
you can only view people with a perception of who you are plastered onto it, and the idea that you notice
things in others because they exist in you. you can only view people as far as youve met yourself. i love
giving things deep thought and its a gift and undoubtedly human. however, i tend to overthink. I really
don't like that about myself. my mind is constantly thinking about things all of the time and it leads me to
feel stressed, perpetually anxious.
i love feeling grounded i love feeling at peace, i love meditation. i love prioritizing my peace, i love lighting candles, and meditating. i think its so important to set designated time to reconnect with yourself, simply just to feel grounded with the energy that surrounds you. sometimes i feel so grateful to be alive, to exist and feel things to the extent that i do and to live as myself. i think its beautiful to be alive and existence is inherently innocent. if you have the chance to establish or create deep connections with anyone around you you should always take that opportunity.
.୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. .・。.・゜✭・.

[.・。.・゜✭・.୭ ˚. ᵎ 02/10/2025 what you allow into your space infiltrates itself into your mind, you become what you surround yourself with. the human brain is like a sponge, constantly in a state of soaking up information and perceiving surrounding things. you become what you surround yourself with, what you allow around you, and in your space. my favorite word is perception, everyone has a different perception of things in their lives. every human has a way of ultimately perceiving things, i find myself taking great interest in this. everyone views things differently from environmental factors in the way they were raised, and through memories/hardships theyve experienced in their lives, this leads humans to all perceive things differently.
perception is so important. theres a quote thats like "the perceiver of the art says more than the creator of the art" the way in which the art is perceived says more about the perceiver of the art than the creator of the art. so interesting how art can have one simple meaning yet be perceived differently by millions of people, it could be a song, a painting, poetry. every human has a different perception and sense of relatability within the ideas of their lives.
a sense of relatability, familiarity is created through art from the ways in which we perceive it. artists of songs when asked to explain the meaning behind it, some choose to stay quiet; to keep the perception up to the eyes of the beholder. art means infinitely more when it is personal, a sense of relatability in place. .୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. .・。.・゜✭・.

[.・。.・゜✭・.୭ ˚. ᵎ 02/10/2025 i really want to treat this diary as if i imagine no one else will see it, my thoughts and heart on display, theres something so comforting about that, but also so inspirational. i want to dump my entire life on here and whoever stumbles across it just happens to stumble across it. i love the idea of that.
all of my personal thoughts laid out return home >.?

[.・。.・゜✭・.୭ ˚. ᵎ the start, 02/09/2025 i love the idea of laying my thoughts out, with no trace back to me. to you, i'm just a stranger, and you can read my entire life because i'm oversharing on this silly little page. i think this is oddly comforting, i think it's oddly comforting to read someone else's thoughts, but that's just me. i want to have no filter on here.
i'm also starting this page because i'm very interested in documenting my life in some way, reading back on how things have changed over the years, i love the idea of starting something like that. i've been journaling for a while, but i wanna take it to a personal diary. i hope in some microsopic way this can be inspirational to you, or whoever happens to read this.
i'm not intending on anyone to see this, but if you do, hello. all you need to know is i'm a 16 year old girl at the time of writing this, and this is my life, and you're reading my life. there are no external links to this page. .୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. .・。.・゜✭・.

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i love feeling grounded i love feeling at peace, i love meditation. i love prioritizing my peace, i love lighting candles, and meditating. i think its so important to set designated time to reconnect with yourself, simply just to feel grounded with the energy that surrounds you. sometimes i feel so grateful to be alive, to exist and feel things to the extent that i do and to live as myself. i think its beautiful to be alive and existence is inherently innocent. if you have the chance to establish or create deep connections with anyone around you you should always take that opportunity.
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[.・。.・゜✭・.୭ ˚. ᵎ 02/10/2025 what you allow into your space infiltrates itself into your mind, you become what you surround yourself with. the human brain is like a sponge, constantly in a state of soaking up information and perceiving surrounding things. you become what you surround yourself with, what you allow around you, and in your space. my favorite word is perception, everyone has a different perception of things in their lives. every human has a way of ultimately perceiving things, i find myself taking great interest in this. everyone views things differently from environmental factors in the way they were raised, and through memories/hardships theyve experienced in their lives, this leads humans to all perceive things differently.
perception is so important. theres a quote thats like "the perceiver of the art says more than the creator of the art" the way in which the art is perceived says more about the perceiver of the art than the creator of the art. so interesting how art can have one simple meaning yet be perceived differently by millions of people, it could be a song, a painting, poetry. every human has a different perception and sense of relatability within the ideas of their lives.
a sense of relatability, familiarity is created through art from the ways in which we perceive it. artists of songs when asked to explain the meaning behind it, some choose to stay quiet; to keep the perception up to the eyes of the beholder. art means infinitely more when it is personal, a sense of relatability in place. .୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. .・。.・゜✭・.

[.・。.・゜✭・.୭ ˚. ᵎ 02/10/2025 i really want to treat this diary as if i imagine no one else will see it, my thoughts and heart on display, theres something so comforting about that, but also so inspirational. i want to dump my entire life on here and whoever stumbles across it just happens to stumble across it. i love the idea of that.