me yacking away cuz i dont even car (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) return home >.?

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[.・。.・゜✭・.୭ ˚. ᵎ the start, 02/10/2025 recently i've been in my lana era, i've came full circle. i listened to lana sooo much at 14, 15, (i'm 16 now) and it's came completely back to me, but even harder. i've been listening to her more than ever, even her unreleased albums too. lana 4 life literally girls

ultraviolence has served me well this winter. i love lana with my whole heart, i love her poetry, i love her music, i want her poetry book. my favorite song is venice bitch,(i listen to all 9 minutes every time) live love lana. also recently i made an ultraviolence edit and it's genuinely art i'll have to attach a link.

speaking of artists i've been recently indulging in, OMG. jeff buckley.. my heart.. my soul.... i love jeff buckley with my entire being. you're gonna have to pry the grace vinyl out of my cold dead hands. i love jeff buckley so much, i wanna listen to his entire discography. i've been listening to "sketches for my sweetheart the drunk" and "live at sin-e". oh my goddd "live at sin-e" is such an amazing album. everytime i listen to it i get really sad because i'll never hear jeff buckley live,omg it literally makes me cry that ill never hear him live. like why did you have to drown you could've just swam? i'm heartbroken. .୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. .・。.・゜✭・.

[.・。.・゜✭・.୭ ˚. ᵎ 02/10/2025 the start of an era; my wall collage. recently i've been printing out 2x3 pictures from my pink kodak printer (so cute) and put them on my wall. omg i love it so much. it has lana del rey, movies i like, (black swan, buffalo 66, palo alto) it's so coquette it's so girly im in love.

it has little flowers i've cut out and put on the wall too, it's sooo beautiful to look at and it's just gonna keep growing. it's more than just a wall collage to me its literally my soul.

i've wanted to make a wall collage for sooo longg, i've had a pinterest board for ages just piling up pictures that i imagined i would use in a wall collage, and now the time has come. it's here.. .୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. .・。.・゜✭・.

[.・。.・゜✭・.୭ ˚. ᵎ 02/10/2025 i really want to treat this blog as if i imagine no one else will see it, my thoughts and heart on display, theres something so comforting about that, but also so inspirational. i want to dump my entire life on here and whoever stumbles across it just happens to stumble across it. i love the idea of that.

i want to be able to forget about this blog then maybe come across it years later like those really dramatic time capsules that people bury in the ground. .୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. .・。.・゜✭・.